urban BioEconomyNet

Join in the urban BioEconomyNet –
bioeconomy for urban areas

In urban agglomerations, large quantities of wastewater and waste are generated – raw materials from which secondary resources can be recovered. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment is funding bioeconomy strategies for municipalities in urban areas.

We invite you to join the cooperation network on urban bioeconomy »urban BioEconomyNet« coordinated by Fraunhofer IGB. Our goal: to achieve more climate protection and raw material security with a sustainable circular bioeconomy.


Metropolitan Areas in Baden-Württemberg as Urban Bioeconomy Pioneers

As part of the »Municipal Bioeconomy - Bioeconomy Strategies for Urban Areas« funding program, the Stuttgart, Rhine-Neckar and Karlsruhe metropolitan areas are developing own urban bioeconomy strategies. This is intended to advance the anchoring of the sustainable bioeconomy in Baden-Württemberg at the regional level.


RE²source-Bioökonomiestrategie für die TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe

At one of the leading research and technology locations in Europe, we are working together on the technology transfer of the bioeconomy by developing a strategy and roadmap with joint projects of municipalities, research and industry.

go to website


InBioRegS – Industrielle Bioökonomiestrategie für die Region Stuttgart

The aim is to explore the bioeconomy potential through technology screening and material flow analysis, involving local stakeholders. The results will guide the development of an industrial bioeconomy strategy for the region of Stuttgart, prioritizing practical measures to support local companies towards innovation and sustainability.

go to website


KommBÖ4MRN: Kommunale und Urbane Bioökonomiestrategie für die Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar

Aim of the project is the development and implementation of a bioeconomy strategy for the metropolitan region Rhein-Neckar (MRN). Based on a stakeholder and resource analysis, a roadmap with short- to long-term measures will lead the way.

go to website


ZirBioS – Zirkuläre Bioökonomiestrategie der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart

The circular bioeconomy strategy of the city of Stuttgart connects the actors. The biogenic material flows and their potential are analysed and visualised. In addition, approaches for natural urban carbon sinks are being investigated.

go to press release

© Fraunhofer IGB


urban BioEconomyLab

A living lab that is guiding cities toward sustainable bioeconomy


urban BioEconomyNet: Join the network!

In the context of the urban BioEconomyLab project, a network is being established in which stakeholders in Baden-Württemberg involved in the transformation to an urban bioeconomy are able to share their experiences.


The network is informed about current developments on the urban bioeconomy in Baden-Württemberg via a newsletter. Furthermore, the network members are invited to networking events.


Registration link coming soon.

The network "urban BioEconomyNet" is funded within the project "urban BioEconomyLab" by the environmental research program "BWPLUS - Baden-Württemberg Program Lebensgrundlage Umwelt und ihre Sicherung", funding code L75 22101, from state funds approved by the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg (Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector).