Philadelphia, PA, USA  /  June 15, 2015  -  June 19, 2015

BIO International Convention 2015

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Hall F, Booth 1013-03

From June 15 to 18 the BIO International Convention 2015, the world's largest biotechnology trade fair, takes place in Philadelphia, USA. More than 1,700 exhibitors from over 60 countries are expected at the fair. The Fraunhofer IGB presents itself at the "German Pavilion" in Hall F at booth 1013-03.

This year the IGB is represented by its Würzburg branch, the Translational Center "Regenerative therapies for Oncology and Musculoskeletal Diseases". Thus, the institute highlights its medical research.

The scientists of the Translation Center will show an incubator system for Tissue Engineering applications, an impedance spectroscopy system for the non-destructive characterization of tissues and a three-dimensional tissue test system based on human skin cells for medical research.