Sustainable Catalytic Processes

Technologies for the synthesis of chemicals and fuels from CO2

The team of the innovation field “Sustainable Catalytic Processes” is working on the development of catalytic power-to-X‑to‑Y‑process cascades. These technologies can be used to sustainably synthesize chemical products and fuels, i.e. products that form the basis of our economy and daily lives, from simple and almost unlimited resources – renewable energy, CO2 and water.

We realize power‑to‑X‑to‑Y process cascades by thoroughly combining different catalytic processes. To obtain more complex and high-quality products, simple power-to-X products, such as methanol or formic acid derived from CO2, serve as reactants for downstream conversion steps. For this purpose, we use and combine processes from heterogeneous catalysis, electrochemistry and industrial biotechnology.

In this context, the development of efficient catalysts, e.g. of new microbial production strains or electrocatalysts, plays an important role.

R&D focus


Synthetic fuels

  • Center for sustainable fuels ZENK
  • Fuels from alcohols and light alkenes  

Power-to-X and “green” platform chemicals

  • Processes for effective sector coupling and the production of platform chemicals as central pillar of a sustainable and circular chemical industry

Sustainable electrosynthesis

  • CO2 reduction
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Biobased electrosynthesis

Microbial catalysis

  • Integrating power-to-X and biotechnology
  • Methanol fermentation
  • Biosynthetic value creation

We would like to be your partner for the development of sustainable synthetic procedures for innovative chemical products. We would be happy to support you concerning the choice of suitable funding possibilities.

In detail we support you for:

Research and Development

  • Identification of suitable raw material for the development of new products and new materials
  • Identification of new applications for new biobased products
  • Literature and patent studies
  • Molecular biological and technical optimization of enzymes and enzyme reactions
  • Custom synthesis and contract screening
  • Development of procedures for the utilization of residues
  • Development of procedures for the integration of renewable resources and their chemical structures in industrially established processes --> synthesis of biobased alternatives for fossil based compounds
  • Evaluation of optimized synthetic procedures for the production of target products
  • Optimization of reactions by design of experiment
  • Scale-up of reactions (up to 4 liter reaction volume; further scale-up at Fraunhofer CBP)

Cooperation for research projects

  • Identification of suitable funding possibilities (national, European)
  • Support by the formation of a project consortium and by communication with possible partners
  • Support by project applications
  • Communications with funding authorities


  • Chemical analysis and structure identification
  • Contract analysis

We also offer services concerning materials and (biobased) polymers as part of the Laboratory for Technical Biopolymers (LTBP):

  • Selection of suitable biogenic raw- and waste products
  • Screening of polymerization methods
  • Polymerization at lab scale
  • Functionalization of natural biopolymers
  • Selection and development of biobased polymer additives
  • Development of composite materials with natural materials
  • Polymer analytics
  • Material characterization
  • Material testing
  • Analysis of product failures and assessment
  • Biocompatibility
  • End-of-life scenarios (in planning)
    • Material cycles
    • Biodegradability

Chemical catalysts

  • Catalyst development and synthesis
  • Catalyst screening
  • Process development
    • Heterogeneously catalyzed reactions in gas and liquid phases
    • CO2 conversion
    • Renewable ("green") ammonia

Electrochemical catalysts

  • Development of electrocatalysts and electrode materials
  • Electrochemical CO2 conversion
  • Electrochemical syntheses
  • Electrochemical conversion of biogenic raw materials


  • Strain development
  • Metabolic engineering of microbial production strains
  • Fermentation (laboratory scale) of C1 substrates
  • Conversion of C1-substrates and other biogenic substrates
  • Biobased polymer building blocks
  • Microbial electrosynthesis

Fields of activity and technologies

  • Catalysts for heterogeneous catalytic gas phase reactions
  • Catalyst screening in continuous and batch experiments
  • Electrocatalysts and electrodes for cathodic and anodic reactions
  • Coupling of chemo-, electro- and biocatalytic reactions in process cascades
  • Metabolic engineering of microbial production strains
  • Process development
  • Feasibility studies for industrial process implementation

Our approach: Power-to-X-to-Y

When the intermediates derived from CO2 and regenerative energy are further processed in coupled chemical and biotechnological procedures to more complex and higher-value products, various synthesis routes are accessible for a broad range of chemical products with increased added-value.


In this way, CO2 becomes to a useful primary resource. We will be happy to advise you on which routes are suitable for your case.

We are your partner for the development of the sustainable synthesis processes and the innovative chemical products of the future. We focus on the selection of biobased resources, the development of modern conversion and production processes and particularly on the application of catalytic processes (chemo-, bio- and electro-catalysis). This includes the analytical and functional evaluation of these processes and products. Following that idea, our goal is the production of new products and materials derived from renewables, residual streams, and carbon dioxide (CO2) in an environmentally benign manner – together with our partners. For this, we rely on our modern laboratories for biotechnology, chemistry, polymer chemistry, and our technicum for material processing including the following equipment:


  • Automatized laboratory reactors
  • High pressure reactors
  • Catalyst screening station
  • 10 L fermenter
  • Polymerization reactor/Hydrogenation reactor
  • Glovebox
  • Ovens
  • Vacuum drying oven
  • Press
  • Cutting mill
  • Mini-Compounder
  • Injection moulding
  • Extrusion


Chemical structure determination

  • 400 MHz-Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
  • FTIR-spectroscopy (transmission and ATR)

Chromatographic methods

  • Gas chromatography (GC)
  • High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
  • Size exclusion chromatography / Gel permeation chromatography (SEC/GPC)
  • Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC)

Other methods

  • Autotitrator
  • TOC Analyzer

Material characterization

Thermal analysis

  • Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
  • Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
  • Determination of the heat deflection temperature (HDT)

Mechanical properties

  • Pendulum impact tester
  • Universal testing machine
  • Shore hardness (DIN ISO 7619-1)
  • Rheology/DMA (coming 2025)
  • Capillary viscometry by Ubbelohde-viscosimeter

Other methods

  • Microscopy
  • Density measurement of solids and fluids
  • Conditioning of specimen

1. Synthesis/processing


Automatized laboratory reactors

Data collection for the development of novel synthesis, optimization of reaction protocols, establishment of robust and secure processes.


Double jacket glass reactors 0,5 L – 4 L installed
Upgradable to 50 L
Temperature -10 °C – 200 °C
Parameter control Temperature, pH-value, stirring speed, dosing of fluids

High pressure reactors

Chemical synthesis with gas reactants and high pressure.


High pressure reactors Short description
Parallel autoclave station Four parallel reactors in lab scale
Volume: 100 mL/reactor
Pressure: up to 300 bar
Temperature: up to 400 °C
Material: Hastelloy C22
Stirrer: gassing
Computer control and exact documentation of reaction data
Small scale autoclave Volume: 50 mL + 100 mL,
Pressure: up to 150 bar
Temperature: up to 250 °C
Material: stainless steel
Acidulation autoclaves Volume: 45 mL + 125 mL
Pressure: up to 120 bar
Temperature: up to 250 °C
Material: PTFE-inlay and stainless steel shell
Parr batch reactor Volume: 2 L
Pressure: up to 100 bar
Temperature: up to 350 °C
Material: stainless steel
Stirrer: gassing and paddle stirring

Catalyst screening station

Parallel catalyst screening under defined conditions.


Screening-System Short description
Heterogeneous catalyst screening station Four parallel reactors
Temperature: up to 500 °C
Pressure: up to 80 bar
Material: Steel
Gases: CO, CO2, H2, N2, Ar, synthetic air, hydrocarbons
Gas flow: 10 – 100 mL min-1
Fluids: H2O (0-2.5 g h-1)
Three-phase reactor (fixed-bed) Volume: D = 6 mm; H = 200 mm
Pressure: up to 10 bar
Temperature: up to 450 °C
Material: Steel or glass
Gases: NH3, N2, synthetic air
Volume flows: liquid up to 2 mL/min ; Gases up to 100 mL/min

10 L fermenter


short description
15 L vessel
(hight:diameter - 3:1)
Working volume 3 – 10 L
Pressure resistance -1 – 3 bar  
Gassing control 0,6 – 30 L min-1 (0,04 – 2 vvm), air, N2
Stirring 2x6 paddle Rushton-Turbine
900 W brushless Motor
Pump control 4x peristaltic pumps (max. 300 mL min-1)
Sensors pH, pO2, antifoam, temperature
Monitoring and (feedback) control Control pH (1 – 13) und pO2 (0 – 100 %)
Antifoam agent dosing
Media- / substrate dosing
Temperature (8 – 150°C)
Stirring (10 – 1.500 rpm)

Polymerization reactor/Hydrogenation reactor

2-step mini-plant for demonstration of polycondensation under application-oriented conditions and for hydrogenation of organic compounds.


system short description
Working volume Two 1,5 L autoclaves with distillation uni
Monitoring and (feedback) control Fully (feedback) controlled mini-plant with gas dosing
Temperature Up to 350 °C
Pressure Up to 200 bar



system short description
Inert atmosphere (N2, Ar) Allows very air- or moisture-sensitive reactions
(< 1 ppm O2 or moisture)
Pressure -15 – 15 mbar
(negative or positive pressure)


Muffle furnace and calciners with optional inert atmosphere and control unit.


system short description
Gases N2, air
Temperature Up to 1200 °C

Vacuum drying oven


short description
Filling capacity 115 L
Vacuum Up to 15 mbar
Temperature Up to 110 °C


Thermal forming under pressure by pressing.


system short description
Surface temperature Up to 300 °C
Pressing force Up to 200 kN

Cutting mill

The cutting mill is used for crushing of soft to medium-hard, brittle or fibrous sample material.


SYSTEM short description
Cutting insert 3 rotor knives with 4 steel counter knives
Sieve inserts

0.2 mm, 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm trapezoid wholes

Speed range 6000 – 22000 U/min, adjustable in steps of 1000
Time function Timer/ stopwatch
Embrittlement of the samples Processing of brittle sample material, for example with liquid nitrogen, is possible.
Feeding material Size max. 15 mm
Throughput quantity

Up to 15 L/h -> Sample dependent


Twin-screw extruder for processing very small quantities. Used to determine initial material-specific characteristics.


SYSTEM short description
Cyclinder capacity 15 mL
Temperature Up to 400 °C
Rotation speed Up to 250 rpm
Torque value Up to 40 Nm
Material properties Cylinder (64 HRC, 2000 Vickers) and screws (56 HRC, 1000 Vickers) are wear-resistant, abrasion-resistant and chemical-resistant.
Bypass valve Possibility of material return or continuous extrusion
Data recording via software

Graphical presentation and recording of extrusion parameters (temperature, melt viscosity, shear forces, torque). Can be saved as an Excel file.

Injection moulding


System short description
MiniJet Plunger plastification
Injection moulding Screw plastification


  • Planetary roller extruder

2. Analytics


2.1. Chemical structure determination


400 MHz-Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

NMR spectroscopy

Structure determination of organic molecules, end-group determination of polymers, and reaction monitoring (qualitatively and quantitatively).


system short description
9,4 Tesla Magnet

Frequenz 400 MHz

5 mm probe head

Automatically tunable in the range from 1H to 19F and 31P to 109Ag, field gradient up to 140 G/cm

2 channel spectrometer 1D and 2D measurements:
Variable temperature control -100 °C – 150 °C 

FTIR-spectroscopy (transmission and ATR)

Structure determination and reaction control.


short description
ATR unit

Non-destructive substance analysis of solids and fluids

Transmittance measurements (KBr pellets)

Quantitative analysis


2.2. Chromatographic methods


Gas chromatography (GC)

Gas chromatography is used for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic substances and mixtures. This requires vaporization without decomposition of each component.


GC-system short description
Single-Quad-MS-Detector (mass spectrometry)

Identification and determination of components of mixtures such as coatings, natural substances, flavors and odorants

FID (flame ionization detector)

Robust detector for oranic compounds with high sensitivity (detection limit 1 ng)

TCS (thermal conductivity scanner) Universal detector
Headspace Analysis of highly volatile substances
SPME (solid phase micro extraction)

Analysis of samples with low compound concentration by adsorptio

Sample introduction options On-column, SSL (split/splitless), PTV (programmed temperature vaporizer)

High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

High performance liquid chromatography is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic mixtures.


HPLC-system short description
DAD (Dioden-Array-Detector)

UV/Vis absorbance (full spectrum)

ELSD (Evaporative Light Scattering Detector)

Compound analysis by structure-specific light scattering

RID (Refractive Index Detector) Detection by refractive index changes
MS-Detector (mass spectrometry)  Identification and quantification of compounds, MSn-spectra

Size exclusion chromatography / Gel permeation chromatography (SEC/GPC)

Determination of molecular weight distribution from 102 – 107 g/mol.


system short description

Isocratic Pump, HFIP-compatible devices

Pressure: 200 bar

Differential-refractometer RI-detector

Concentration detector for regular GPC by standard calibration

Multiwavelength UV-Vis detector Determination of structural geometry variation in co-polymers
Multiangle light scattering detector (MALLS) SLD7100 Determination of absolute molecular weight, applicable starting at 10.000 g/mol, used for peptides, natural polymers, etc.
Viscometer detector DVD 1260

Determination of molecular weight by viscosity, applicable starting at 5.000 g/mol

Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC)

Purification of (recombinant) proteins from cell lysates.


system short description

Various column materials for protein purification

UV-Detector (UV-900)

Detection of proteins

Conductivity detector and pH-detector (P/C-900) Monitoring of conductivity and pH value


2.3. Other methods




system short description
Applications Saponification value (DIN 53401)Saponification value lignin Modification
Acid value (DIN 53402)
OH-value (DIN 53240)
End group determination of Polymers
Acid-base titration

TOC Analyzer

The TOC analyzer is used to determine the environmental parameters of TOC, NPOC, TC, TIC and POC in aqueous samples. The TN add-on module can also be used to determine TNb.


system short description
Digestion method

High-temperature combustion up to 950 °C

TN Detector

Electrochemical „solid-state“ detector

Measurable parameters TC, TIC, TOC, NPOC, NPOCplus, POC, TN
Measurement range (detection limit)

0 – 30.000 mg/L C (4 µg/L C)

0 – 100 mg/L TNb (0,05 mg/L TNb)

Sample supply Automatic flow injection with automatic acidification/blowing out of the samples, rinsing technology and dilution option

3. Material characterization

3.1. Thermal analysis


Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

Measurement of heat flow variations occurring due to temperature- or time-dependent changes of the physical or chemical sample properties (phase transitions).


system short description

-80 °C – 500 °C


N2, air

Heating rate 0,02 – 300 K/min
Cooling rate
0,02 – 50 K/min

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)

Measurement of mass changes of a sample depending on heat and time.


system short description

Up to 1100 °C

Heating rate

0,02 – 150 K/min

Sample volume Up to 900 µL
Sorption unit  

Up to 95 °C

Rel. humidity 100 %

Determination of the heat deflection temperature (HDT) (not yet in use)

The HDT/Vicat is used to determine the heat deflection temperature, the softening temperature and the creep behavior of various polymers.


system short description

Up to 300 °C

Testing according to

DIN EN ISO 75 1-3, DIN EN ISO 306

Monitoring stations 4
Evaluation of results Statistical evaluation and presentation as a results table, figure and test report.

3.2. Mechanical properties


Pendulum impact tester

The pendulum impact tester is used to determine the impact strength of various polymers.


Working capacity Up to 50 J
Testing according to

DIN EN ISO 179 (Charpy), DIN EN ISO 180 (Izod)

3 pendumlums each 0.5 J, 2 J und 5 J (Charpy); 1 J, 2.75 J and 5.5 J (Izod)
Evaluation of results

Statistical evaluation and presentation as a results table, figure and test report.

Universal testing machine

For determining the mechanical properties of various polymers.


Testing options Tensile test according to DIN EN ISO 527 1-3, 3-point flexure tests according to DIN EN ISO 178
Test force range

Up to 20 kN

Force transducer 2,5 kN
Strain transducer Video extensometer (optical)
Sample holder Pneumatic with adjustable closing pressure, test force 2.5 kN
Evaluation of results

Statistical evaluation and presentation as a results table, figure and test report.

Shore hardness (DIN ISO 7619-1)

Digital shore hardness type A and type D with test bench.


system short description
Typ A

For soft materials

Typ D

For medium to hard materials

Resolution 0,1
Accuracy ≤ 1 %

Rheology/DMA (coming 2025)

Establishment of a high-performing combination device for shear-reological investigations under rotation and oszillation and dynamic-mechanical analysis of solids under bending, tension and compression.

Capillary viscometry by Ubbelohde-viscosimeter

Determination of the reduced intrinsic viscosity of diluted solutions of soluble polymers.


short description
Testing according to

DIN EN ISO 307, DIN EN ISO 1628 etc.



Sulfuric acid

Formic acid

Viscosimeter Ubbelohde and micro-Ubbelohde (DIN 51562)

3.3. Other methods



For reflected- and transmitted light applications.


short description
Fiber analysis: 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x
Microbiology: 40x, 100x (Ölimmersion)
5 Mp camera

High-resolution camera for optimal imaging

Test bench with 3-axes motorization Software-automatized imaging with high depth of field

Brightfield / darkfield polarization

Phase contrast Ph1/Ph2/Ph3 Transmitted light

Polarization with additional Lambda-plate

Multitude of contrast-/polarization options for reflected- and transmitted light applications for optimal structure imaging

Density measurement of solids and fluids

Solids: Density balance DIN EN ISO 1183.

Fluids: Density meter (flexural resonator) for measurements of viscous samples according to DIN EN ISO 5725 with adapter heating.


system short description
Density range

0 g/cm³ – 3 g/cm³

Temperature range

0 °C – 100 °C

Sample volume Ca. 1 mL
Accuracy 0,0001 g/cm³

Conditioning of specimen

Climatic chamber for constant conditions for the storage of specimen under standard atmosphere at 23 °C and 50 % relative humidity.


January 2024 – December 2026


Green ammonia as a decentralized, cross-sector energy vector for the German energy transition

The Fraunhofer flagship project researches ammonia as an energy vector for the transportation of hydrogen. The Fraunhofer Institutes UMSICHT, ICT, IGB, IKTS, IML, IMM, IMW and ITWM are looking at the entire value chain, taking advantage of the fact that ammonia already has a global transport infrastructure due to fertilizer production.


March 2016 – November 2019


Cost-effective carbon dioxide conversion into chemicals

Processes to utilize the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) will be a central building block of a future climate-neutral and resource-efficient circular economy. Researchers from Fraunhofer IGB have developed and validated such a process chain in collaboration with partners from academia and industry in the course of the EU-funded project CELBICON.


September 2022 – August 2025


Conversion of CO2 from South African coal-fired power plants into multiple commodity streams using green ammonia and hydrogen

To ensure that coal can be used in the most environmentally friendly way possible until the complete transition to renewable energies, CoalCO₂-X™ aims to harness the components of the flue gas for the circular production of products such as diesel and fertilizers. The synthesis of green ammonia is being demonstrated by the IGB.


January 2018 – December 2020


CO2-based electrosynthesis of ethylene oxide

Goal of CO2EXIDE is to establish an electrochemical, energy-efficient and near-to CO2-neutral process for the production of the bulk chemical ethylene from CO2, water and renewable energy. One of the central steps is the development of a new type of electrolyzer that enables a simultaneous reaction on both anode and cathode, which is more efficient in terms of energy and resources.


November 2022 – October 2025


Dimethylfuran as a sustainable downstream product of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural: production and applications of a bio-based solvent

The aim of DiMeFu is the optimization and subsequent upscaling of a heterogeneously catalyzed process, in which 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) was successfully converted to dimethylfuran (DMF) using novel Pd-based catalysts supported on N-doped carbon and under mild reaction conditions with the aid of formic acid.


January 2021 – December 2023


Renewable electricity-based, cyclic and economic production of fuel

The aim of the EU project EcoFuel is to develop the next generation of renewable fuels produced from CO2 using renewable energies. To this end, the project consortium aims to demonstrate a novel end-to-end process chain that significantly improves energy efficiency in the electrochemical production of synthetic fuel from CO2 and water.


November 2023 – October 2026


Electrobiocatalytic cascade for bulk reduction of CO2 to CO coupled to fermentative production of high value diamine monomers

ECOMO unites bioelectrocatalysis, biohybrid materials sciences, organic synthesis, technical microbiology, and process engineering for CO gas fermentation to acetate and a subsequent fermentative production of diamines.



August 2020 – December 2020


Evolutionary bioeconomic processes: Integrative use of material flows to produce optimized materials for innovative products in bioeconomic process cycles

Production processes lead to harmful emissions and non-recyclable waste and wastewater. In EVOBIO, process concepts were  developed and demonstrated in order to utilize material flows, materials and products completely – in resource-conserving process cycles and through reuse without residues.


April 2021 – December 2021


Technologies for the wastewater treatment plant of the future

Green methanol can be produced from CO2 and renewable energy. EVOBIO-Demo is a follow-up project of EVOBIO led by a Fraunhofer consortium consisting of IGB, UMSICHT and IMW. The focus is on the further development of a biotechnological production route for an organic acid from methanol.


January 2021 – December 2023

Fraunhofer Lighthouse Project “ShaPID“

Shaping the Future of Green Chemistry by Process Intensification and Digitalization

Global challenges in climate protection and resource efficiency, coupled with demands for a green, sustainable chemistry, have led the chemical industry to set ambitious goals for defossilizing its production processes and establishing a circular, climate-neutral material and energy conversion.


November 2018 – July 2020

Green Ammonia

Production of green ammonia in Morocco

As a Power-to-X product, green ammonia contributes significantly to the coupling of various sectors, helping to create a stable renewable energy landscape. The Green Ammonia project started on behalf of the Moroccan fertilizer manufacturer OCP and in collaboration with Fraunhofer IMWS, with a focus on evaluating new technologies for the sustainable production of ammonia.


October 2016 – September 2020


Advanced Carbon Materials from Biowaste: Sustainable Pathways to Drive Innovative Green Technologies

The EU-funded Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions – Innovative Training Networks provides career development and training opportunities for 14 Early‑Stage Researchers. The focus is on production of carbon materials from renewable resources to further develop them as catalysts or adsorbent materials for high‑performance applications.


January 2023 – December 2026


Electrochemical synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from water, air and renewable electric energy

In the CO2EXIDE project Fraunhofer IGB has been working on an electrochemical process for the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), an environmentally friendly oxidant widely used in the chemical industry. The process is being further developed and demonstrated in the EU-funded follow-up project POWER2HYPE.

Further projects






Brochure “Combined biotechnological and chemical processes“


Factsheet “Electrosynthesis of basic chemicals“

Scientific publications

Publication Type
2024 Process Cascade for the Production of Green Polymers from CO2 and Electric Energy
Fabarius, Jonathan Thomas; Pietzka, Carsten; Pangotra, Dhananjai; Wriedt, Benjamin; Vieira Dessoy Maciel, Luciana; Sagstetter, Carina; Speck, Melanie; Ziogas, Athanassios; Baumgarten, Nils; Kost, Hans-Joachim; Löb, Patrick; Patzsch, Katja; Bernau, Catherine Rose; Böringer, Sarah; Pico, Davide; Lieske, Antje; Vater, Marcus; Wendler, Ulrich; Roth, Arne
Journal Article
2023 Electrochemical CO2 Utilization for the Synthesis of α-Hydroxy Acids
Seidler, Johannes; Roth, Arne; Vieira Dessoy Maciel, Luciana; Waldvogel, Siegfried R.
Journal Article
2023 Bioelectrochemical synthesis of gluconate by glucose oxidase immobilized in a ferrocene based redox hydrogel
Radomski, Johanna; Vieira Dessoy Maciel, Luciana; Sieber, Volker
Journal Article
2023 Electrochemical Water Oxidation to Hydrogen Peroxide on Bipolar Plates
Pangotra, Dhananjai; Roth, Arne; Sieber, Volker; Vieira Dessoy Maciel, Luciana
Journal Article
2023 Lipase‐mediated plant oil hydrolysis - Toward a quantitative glycerol recovery for the synthesis of pure allyl alcohol and acrylonitrile
Melcher, Felix; Vogelgsang, Ferdinand; Haack, Martina; Masri, Mahmoud; Ringel, Marion; Roth, Arne; Garbe, Daniel; Brück, Thomas
Journal Article
2022 FexNi(1-x) coatings electrodeposited from choline chloride-urea mixture: Magnetic and electrocatalytic properties for water electrolysis
Oliveira, Francisco G.S.; Santos, Luis P.M.; Silva, Rodolfo B. da; Correa, Marcio A.; Bohn, Felipe; Correia, Adriana N.; Vieira Dessoy Maciel, Luciana; Vasconcelos, Igor F.; Lima-Neto, Pedro de
Journal Article
2022 Anodic production of hydrogen peroxide using commercial carbon materials
Pangotra, Dhananjai; Csepei, Lénárd-Istvan; Roth, Arne; Ponce de León, C.; Sieber, Volker; Vieira Dessoy Maciel, Luciana
Journal Article
2022 Anodic generation of hydrogen peroxide in continuous flow
Pangotra, Dhananjai; Csepei, Lénárd-Istvan; Roth, Arne; Sieber, Volker; Vieira Dessoy Maciel, Luciana
Journal Article
2022 Synthetic methylotrophic yeasts for the sustainable fuel and chemical production
Wegat, Vanessa; Fabarius, Jonathan; Sieber, Volker
2021 Novel cuprous oxide morphologies using amino acids and carboxylic acids as structure directing agents in a simple hydrothermal method
Seidler, J.; Landgraf, V.; Vieira, L.; Opdenbosch, D. Van; Waldvogel, S.R.
Journal Article
2021 Sustainable chemistry - An interdisciplinary matrix approach
Richter, Michael; Vieira, Luciana; Sieber, Volker
Journal Article
2021 Enhanced C2 and C3 Product Selectivity in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction on Carbon-Doped Copper Oxide Catalysts Prepared by Deep Eutectic Solvent Calcination
Iwanow, Melanie; Seidler, Johannes; Vieira, Luciana; Kaiser, Manuela; Opdenbosch, Daniel Van; Zollfrank, Cordt; Gärtner, Tobias; Richter, Michael; König, Burkhard; Sieber, Volker
Journal Article
2021 Design of a synthetic enzyme cascade for the in vitro fixation of a C1 carbon source to a functional C4 sugar
Güner, S.; Wegat, V.; Pick, A.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2021 Power-to-Methanol. Schlussbericht
Hadrich, Max; Roth, Arne; Apfelbacher, Andreas
2021 Dezentrale Entkopplung von Stromerzeugung und Energieversorgung durch Kopplung von onsite-elektrochemischer Methanolerzeugung und Methanolbrennstoffzellen - eleMeMe. Schlussbericht
Csepei, L.-I.; Deinert, L.; Roth, A.; Vieira, L.; Wössner, M.
2021 Synthetic Methylotrophy in Yeasts: Towards a Circular Bioeconomy
Fabarius, J.T.; Wegat, V.; Roth, A.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2020 Assessing the potential of carbon dioxide valorisation in Europe with focus on biogenic CO2
Rodin, V.; Lindorfer, J.; Böhm, H.; Vieira, L.
Journal Article
2020 Electrochemical CO2 reduction to formate on indium catalysts prepared by electrodeposition in deep eutectic solvents
Bohlen, B.; Wastl, D.; Radomski, J.; Sieber, V.; Vieira, L.
Journal Article
2020 Renewable fuels for aviation
Roth, Arne
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Pyrolysis of Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Preparation of Supported Copper Electrocatalysts
Iwanow, M.; Vieira, L.; Rud, I.; Seidler, J.; Kaiser, M.; Opdenbosch, D. Van; Zollfrank, C.; Richter, M.; Gärtner, Tobias; König, B.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2019 Electrochemical synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from water and oxygen
Perry, Samuel C.; Pangotra, Dhananjai; Vieira, Luciana; Csepei, Lénárd-István; Sieber, Volker; Wang, Ling; Ponce de León, Carlos; Walsh, Frank C.
Journal Article
2018 Innovative cascade processes for the CO2 conversion into fuels and chemicals
Csepei, Lénárd-István; Gärtner, Tobias; Schmid, Jochen; Sieber, Volker
Journal Article
2017 Regenerative Synthese von chemischen Energiespeichern und Feinchemikalien
Csepei, Lénéard István; Steffler, Fabian; Gärtner, Tobias; Sieber, Volker
2017 Characterization of biomimetic cofactors according to stability, redox potentials, and enzymatic conversion by NADH oxidase from Lactobacillus pentosus
Nowak, C.; Pick, A.; Csepei, L.-I.; Sieber, V.
Journal Article
2015 Is starch only a visual indicator for iodine in the Briggs-Rauscher oscillating reaction?
Csepei, Lénárd-István; Bolla, Csaba
Journal Article
2014 The reaction network in propane oxidation over phase-pure MoVTeNb M1 oxide catalysts
Naumann d'Alnoncourt, Raoul; Csepei, Lénárd-István; Hävecker, Michael; Girgsdies, Frank; Schuster, Manfred E.; Schlögl, Robert; Trunschke, Annette
Journal Article
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